Thursday, July 17, 2008

tips to first date safely

tips to first date safely

anda new identified him. in first conception, you feel him a yg good and you are beginning like it. but, you still not yet identified the mind heart. suddenly one day he invites you out. your heart jumps up happy but watch out. . you must careful during berdating, especially when out the first time dgn your bew man somebody recognize. since kebelakangan this is too much kes 'rape yg operative towards woman during bertemujanji. by that, use 'common sense for keep away your self from perkara2 yg bad. you may follow tips next.
1. as well possible before you decide for braid connection dgn a man, ascertain you take to know completely a little about the background. is he berkahwin? is he is there rekod crime or cruelty towards woman? pernahkah he is putted into to centre serenti? is before has casanova and ever monkey woman? ? you may ask to ones yg almost in self.
2. meet in place common. if may, bring your friend with for accompanies you. you may out 'double date with your friend or out according to go in a group in place common. this is more guarantee your welfare when out for the first time with new friend.
3. sebaik-baik meeting the first time done when day and rather than evening. persekitaran yg bright more congratulation like out to eat tengahari.
4. more congratulation if you dress polite and not section. dress section impressing signal you may be treated everything! not wrong wear pretty clothes but all right clothes still to perpetuate keayuan girl east.
5. don't once in a while get pelawaan for go to place yg famous with alcoholic drink likes pub or bightclub. places as much as this very easy for you are fooled by intoxicate you or put into imaginary pill into your drink. drug likes syabu/ ais/ pink lady very easy memperolehi in place as much as this.
6. don't will consider his religious visible that somebody will not do a certain yg bad to you. desire does sesiapa! there sesetengah man likes to put on a good front for fool woman.
7. arrange meeting for meet him in a certain place. don't ask him come to your house. this avoid him from detect your house location.
8. if you there kenderaan self, use kenderaan you for go and return. and ascertain full oil so that not reason for you for boards person carriage.
9. koid meeting at places yg dark or lonely as in flowerbed or coast side yg deserted. places as much as this only incite immoral deed. (tips ni all org tau but trump up to forget)
10. come along emotion or your instinct. if you feel there a certain yg doesn't hit, may be really there [is] yg doesn't hit and you careful natural or soon go home.
11. sentiasa ascertain there friend or family expert yg detect where you go and with whom you out. if may, ask friend or family expert menelefon you when does yg appointed for ascertain you congratulation.
12. sentiasa bring wang more so that you may climb teksi if a certain operative.
13. sentiasa careful with announcement peribadi you like home address and as it. very frightened if all gerak-geri you are peeped sekira communication yg you envision doesn't be.
14. register plate kenderaan the he is as welfare reference.
15. don't live telefon bimbit at home or lethal telefon bimbit when with the he. you may berpakat with friend for use certain anxiety hint use telefon bimbit sekira pressed. the example menghantar dering 3 times in your friend is as hint for menelefon policy!
16. pay foreigns. with pay your part, sure you haven't feel owed mind with him or bound anything with him only kerana he has paid all expenditure for you.
17. sentiasa careful with your drink. sekira you to explicitly and find your drink turns or taste, don't drink! if may, spend your drink before to many places kerana incentive 'powder yg often is used man for fool woman may not mengesan in drink.
18. don't once in a while get pelawaan man for step into the house although merely berbual-bual while drink tea, apatah again unmarried house. except in the house there family expert and you have known long with him and identified the family.
19. bring woman patron weapon likes 'pepper spray'di in beg your hand for protection aim. don't agak-agak for use it sekira he haves towards you.
20. sekira man clever look for opportunity to come into contact with you in meeting the first time, conceive in pertemuan2 further? ? visible very man only mahu take the opportunity to on your self and direct unalive to woman! what else. . lift foot! !
21. in that first meeting, may be you get to know a certain yg you out of conceit with man the way he did tell ever collected drug. your heart feels to hate very but don't sicken feeling hate. as strong as which even also you hate it, don't once in a while humiliate or abuse to chide man apatah again your taunt involves the family. ego calar and his possibility acts aggresive and posed outside guard towards you very tall.
22. if man beginning has acted aggresive towards your self and you know you don't cope to oppose it, don't then will abuse to chide him kerana your action is only will invite more many disasters. sekira you discover there well-to-do people at persekitaran you, you may scream to ask please. but if only you two. . best manner don't opposes and use to approach psychology. man as much as this majority it soul ill man. so, pretend you even also like him and pujuk he is tenderly use all your femininity enchantment with gives best reason likes, " can we are wait until tomorrow. . coz i'm musical note ready tonite? (pretend spoiled). . . " liquid easy man in puju woman and if you can guard to worry and go on lakonan spoiled you, certain he is akam beginning trusts in you and follow your word. when are you glorious go home safely, hurry report in policy and decide your connection with the he!
memang instinct a woman wants to loved and love. alive without friend, soul asa empty and loneliness. but remember, when be in love, berpada-pada kerana we still there religion limit yg necessary watched over. that's membeza we are from another person and make our self specialer and valuable. guard maruah self sentiasa kerana he our something that only will know how tall when will he lost sekelip eye.

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